Stages of a professional manicure


A manicure is a nail care service performed by a professional. Its mission is to enhance and maintain nails. Beyond a simple application of nail polish, it includes preparation, shaping, cuticle care, and beautification techniques. Today, the nail supplies expert Maryton will tell you the stages of a professional manicure.

Here are the stages of a professional manicure:


At the beginning of the process, meticulous attention is paid to cleaning and disinfecting hands and nails. This step is the fundamental foundation on which the manicure will be built, ensuring an environment conducive to the achievement of an impeccable service. The eradication of impurities and pathogens ideally prepares the ground for the series of steps to come, with the aim of ensuring results that are as aesthetic as they are sanitary.


During this step, a skillfully wielded nail drill machine is used to meticulously shorten and sculpt the nails. Whether you opt for a square, square-rounded, almond or any other shape, this step allows each nail to be precisely shaped.



The polishing step, of capital importance, strives to give the surface of the nail a smoother and more uniform texture. Beyond its aesthetic contribution, this action has beneficial implications for cell renewal by promoting healthy regeneration. This strategic smoothing prepares a favorable ground for the varnish to come, providing optimized adhesion and increased longevity to the layer of varnish which will be subsequently applied.

Cuticle Care

The cuticle care step is a delicate and precise process. The cuticles, located at the junction between the nail and the skin, are carefully pushed back to create a clean and harmonious surface. If the situation requires it, a judicious cut can be undertaken in order to achieve a nail contour of impeccable fluidity.

This attention paid to the cuticles is not limited to aesthetics. By creating a uniform edge, this phase also ensures a solid base for the subsequent application of products, while helping to maintain the overall health of the nails and the surrounding skin.

Read also: Innovations for nail styling

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